Monthly archives: February, 2018

Interview Question

Difference between Soft and Hard Computing ? Hard computing based on binary logic, crisp systems, numerical analysis and crisp software. It can deal only with exact data. Soft computing based on fuzzy logic, neural nets and probabilistic reasoning i.e it is tolerant of imprecision, uncertainty, partial truth, and approximation. It may deal with noisy data. …

How to calculate score in Machine Learning

In order to calculate score of different types of Algorithm we use following types of methods, few methods from SkLearn library are mentioned below.   Scoring Function Comment Classification ‘accuracy’ metrics.accuracy_score ‘average_precision’ metrics.average_precision_score ‘f1’ metrics.f1_score for binary targets ‘f1_micro’ metrics.f1_score micro-averaged ‘f1_macro’ metrics.f1_score macro-averaged ‘f1_weighted’ metrics.f1_score weighted average ‘f1_samples’ metrics.f1_score by multilabel sample ‘neg_log_loss’ metrics.log_loss …