Mutable vs immutable

Mutable and immutable are English words meaning “can change” and “cannot change” respectively. The meaning of the words is the same in the IT context; i.e. a mutable string can be changed, and an immutable string cannot be changed Python code:


Variance: It is the expectation of the squared deviation of a random variable from its mean. In other words, it measures how far a set of (random) numbers are spread out from their average value. Mathematically, Uses: Variance analysis, also described as analysis of variance or ANOVA, involves assessing the difference between two figures. Covariance: It provides the measure of the strength of the correlation between …

Map Reduce in python

Map and Reduce are two powerful methods of Python that is used to solve big logical problems, suppose you have to calculate how many routers are making error in network. So write a single function and map it with list of files. The Reducer will then count the total number of routers. Python Code..

Fibonacci number

In Mathematics, the Fibonacci numbers are the numbers in the following integer sequence called the Fibonacci sequence, and characterized by the fact that every number after the first two is the sum of the two preceding ones: In Python we may write the solution like this.. #Create a list and instantiate it with 0,1 lst=[0,1] #Run a loop …

Types of Tensor

We can define basically three types of tensor: Constant: It is a tensor which will be constant while a graph run there is no need to initialize it. Variable: It is a tensor which will be asynchronously assigned and initiated. Placeholder: It is a tensor which accept value at run time from the feed_dict.

Hello world in Tensorflow

First i want to tell you Tensorflow is not a library to be used as writing a hello world code, but still if you want then go ahead ! So import tensorflow library… import tensorflow as tf hello=tf.constant(‘Hello world’,name=’Hello’,shape=[1]) print(hello)