Morphological Operation

Morphology is a branch in which we study the shape and size of an object or in other words, we may say we find the structure of the object. We use the concept of structuring element in this. So what is Structuring Element?. Structuring Elements is a mask or window which is placed on the original image …

Edge Detection

An Edge is a boundary between two regions having different intensity level. When an image change from black to white or vice versa we get an edge. Edge detection is very useful in detecting discontinuity of an image. There are different types of edges in an image like Step Edges, Ramp Edges, Ridge Edges. In image processing, …

Gradient Descent

Gradient Descent Gradient Descent is an optimization algorithm that optimize the cost of the function.The goal is to continue to try different values for the coefficients, evaluate their cost and select new coefficients that have a slightly better (lower) cost. Introduction to Gradient Descent Algorithm (along with variants) in Machine Learning  

General Mathematics, Linear algebra, and Calculus.

In Machine Learning we use few mathematical terms that are important and frequently used, with this article I tried to list down those important keywords. When we walk on ML, we need a clear visualization of these terms so that we can understand what we want to achieve by using the algorithms. Machine learning is …

Multi-class classification

The multi-class classification is to assign an instance to one of the sets of classes. scikit-learn uses a strategy called one-vs.-all, or one-vs.-the-rest, to support multi-class classification. The goal of multi-class classification is to assign an instance to one of the sets of classes We can download the data from, the use following steps: Import the …

Logistic Regression

A Classical way, Logistic Regression is the younger son of Mr.ML, he is very efficient in predicting any problem associated with binary values. Whenever any person comes to Mr.ML and having problems like will his loan approves or not?, is it possible that he gets profit this year or not?, usually he asks his son Logistic …